Biographies / Autobiorgaphies · Non-Fiction.

Princess Alice Countess of Athlone

By Theo Aronson.

I really enjoyed this book.

I found a copy of it online and I am fascinated by English history so I wanted to give it a go.

It was engaging and warm with a gentle humour. Aronson writes about Alice with warmth and respect which brings her vividly to life. If anything it amplifies what a trailblazer of a woman she was.

It also goes into historical detail about important aspects of her life such as her parents and also the various countries she visited throughout her life.

I’d recommend this book if you are fascinated by the history of the British royal family and want to read about a member of that illustrious horde who people don’t often think of right away when looking more into the royal family. She really was quite something !

MY RATING: ***** / *****

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