Kindle Reads · Non-Fiction.

Dear Mr Kershaw by Derek Philpott

“I have to go now. Bargain Hunt’s on,”

I thought the premise of this book was rather fun, and while I wasn’t aware of this book’s origin online and its later Crowdfunding campaign, when I was going through the different book genres on my Kindle I decided to pick this book up.

At times, this book was written with a very dry humour that was funny despite the fact that for a lot of these songs I hadn’t listened to them or only knew them vaguely – I don’t know if more musically inclined people would enjoy it more. That being said, the humour felt very episodic, which to me was a strong indication of the book’s internet origins.

I feel like the book’s wordiness might alienate some people, because at times I could skim a few pages and miss nothing. It’s evidently a labour of love between an elderly man, his neighbour and his son as they reach out to various musicians. I have no complaints regarding this, in fact I find it to be quite endearing but I don’t think this book is memorable enough for me to reread it in the future. I don’t regret the time spent reading this book, but I’m not sure if I’d recommend it to other people.

MY RATING: *** / *****

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