American Lit · Kindle Reads · Short Stories

Zenith Man by Jennifer Haigh

“I promised to keep her in sickness and in health,”

This was a short story I read in an effort to get back into the swing of reading more books.

The concept was interesting, centred around a small town’s perspective when a socially isolated farmer’s wife dies.

I think this story did a good job of bringing the  realism of small town gossip and claustrophobia to the fore.

The characters however didn’t feel realised and they barely made a dent on the story. I think this story would  have worked better as a full length novel because otherwise it all felt really rushed and it wasn’t impactful as it could have been.

This one had potential but it didn’t have the wow factor for me. Probably a good one to read if you’re looking to bump up your Goodreads or Story graph stats.

MY RATING: *** / *****

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